Dominance structuring

Dominance structuring is a useful way of thinking for designing a solution and helping ensure it is the best available solution.[1] The dominance structuring technique can be used as part of a formal decision-making process as the ‘nuts and bolts’ way of thinking and iterating through course of action development, analysis, comparison, and thought-simulation.[1] The technique can be used in an accelerated mode as a mental thinking drill.[1]

  1. First, consider the relevant dimensions of the problem.[1]

  2. Identify the initial most promising alternative solution by eliminating alternative solutions that are unattractive on important dimensions.[1]

  3. Choose an alternative if it is better than all others on at least one dimension and equal to other options on other dimensions. This will be the dominant solution.[1]

  4. If the most promising alternative does not initially dominate all others, then reconsider advantages and disadvantages relative to other possible solutions.[1]

  5. Modify the most promising alternative until it dominates other alternatives. This will be the dominant solution. If no dominant solution appears, reconsider what are the most important dimensions of the problem and repeat the dominance comparisons among alternatives.[1]

1. U.S. Army Leadership Development Manual, FM 6-22
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