Applying Precepts

I’ve been trying to apply the precepts of "The Well Educated Mind", by Susan Wise Bauer that we’ve used for homeschooling to the classics of business and entrepreneurship. One phrase she uses captures some of the toil.

Incorporate them into your mental framework. Summerize what you’ve read in your own words.

— Susan Wise Bauer

I did this with my notes from Thomas Stanley’s book, The Millionaire Mind in some cases and connected his ideas to others already in my head.

What I’ve gotten from Ray Kroc (Grinding It Out) building McDonalds, Sam Walton (Made in America) building Walmart, Akio Morita building Sony, and others is that problems will come like waves against a sand castle at the beach when the tide is coming in. They spent much effort overcoming the negative effects of such problems. Success is persistence, not ease. Just keep going is what worked for each of them.

I had disagreements with Ayn Rand’s beliefs about religion in Atlas Shrugged, but her writing style was compelling and her push for capitalism was strong.

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